The UnderhillFest is dedicated to full-length documentary films created in small cinematographies and independent productions, films which strike with their innovativeness, ideas and power of their stories.
We have three selections, one ‘out of competition’ and two competitive one – the international and theregional one. Every year, we show from 22 to 24 movies in nine days, mainly in open air. We also organize workshops and Q&A sessions with the authors. There is also a program called “In Focus” that is dedicated to women’s rights, encompassing both films and debates.
As a continuation of our efforts to empower women in the audiovisual industry, this year we have organized a pilot program for project development for female documentary directors from our region.
Our festival is, above all, a humane and socially engaged project: open, slightly alternative and rebellious, intended mainly for the free, creative and curious visitors who enjoy arts and movies, and who are able to recognize the seriousness of the problems that the documentary films deal with. Our festival has managed to find its path to its authentic audience among the lovers of documentary film, students who want more information about this type of film and professionals who contribute to collective film education.
Dandelion – A flower with character!
The dandelion appears everywhere: in inaccessible areas, mountains and meadows, but also in the midst of the concrete jungle, in narrow streets, sidewalks and corners of urban districts. Just like the themes that our documentary films deal with. Our trademark symbolizes the beginning of something new, refreshing, like the UnderhillFest. Finally, the dandelion fully reflects the character of the festival because it symbolizes the ability to survive under the most adverse conditions.
UnderhillFest, Njegoševa 36, Podgorica, Montenegro
Anđelka Nenezić, director:
Vuk Perović, artistic director, email: